Payment-Universe & Ravelin Webinar: PSD2 Authentication & Exemptions Strategy 2021

From 1st January 2021, millions of online payments across Europe will require Strong Customer Authentication. Are issuing banks ready? How can you ensure you’re compliant and use 3D Secure exemptions effectively to minimize friction for your customers? Do you have a PSD2 Exemptions Strategy?

In January 2021 we have joined forces with Ravelin to give some advice related to the current 3DS2 status, the most common issues which we have seen around SCA and how merchants can plan and have a strategic approach towards Strong Customer Authentication.

During this webinar, we have shared key information about market SCA issuer readiness, 3D Secure performances and strategic approaches related to exemptions strategy to protect your conversion rates and still protect your customers from fraudulent transactions. Take a look at this insightful discussion to gain the insight you need to plan your PSD2 roadmap for 2021, leverage exemptions and optimize your payment management strategy.

The full recorded webinar can be found here.

Webinar speakers:

Marco Conte – Co-founder and Payment Consultant – Payment Universe

Marco has spent the last 7 years working within the payment industry as a product and project manager for Merchants and Payment Service Providers focusing on: Payment acceptance, Fraud Management, Payment Optimization and 3DS Authentication Strategies.

Catherine Jones – Product Manager – Ravelin

Catherine the Product Manager for Ravelin Accept, a smart routing system that combines issuer intelligence, exemption requests, data enrichment and a 3D Secure 2 server to reduce customer friction and maximize acceptance. Catherine has 7+ years of experience working in eCommerce fraud prevention in risk and fraud teams at Worldpay and Groupon.

PSD2 & Exemptions strategy. 3DS2 issues and optimization.

If you are having 3DS2 and SCA issues causing increased card abandonment or new technical errors don’t panic, our team of payment consultants knows what needs to be done. Contact us today to schedule a free introductory call. 


February 10, 2021